Teleflora's Morning Melody
Teleflora's Morning Melody
Teleflora's Morning Melody
$69.95Shades of purple are in perfect harmony in this profoundly pretty arrangement. A lovely mix of classic and modern, ribbons and roses, it's sure to make someone's day! Lavender roses and waxflower, purple limonium and greens are hand-delivered in a lavender cube that's all wrapped up with a vibrant p...

She's Lovely
She's Lovely
She's Lovely
$89.95Thank heaven for little girls! And for adorable arrangements like this one! Perfect for new moms, new babies and girly-girls of all ages, this sweet basket of pink petals is sure to get a warm welcome! Pretty pink hydrangea, roses and spray roses along with Queen Anne's lace are delivered in a charm...

Here's to You by Teleflora
Here's to You by Teleflora
Here's to You by Teleflora
$79.95Whether you are raising a vase to celebrate a birthday, a new job or any other occasion, here's the one to send. So bright, so beautiful, so colorful ? men and women alike will appreciate your thoughtfulness. Brilliant blue hydrangea, yellow roses, red gerberas and miniature carnations, yellow butto...

Teleflora's Summer Chic
Teleflora's Summer Chic
Teleflora's Summer Chic
$74.95Hot times require haute arrangements. Look no further because this vibrant vase full of vivacious flowers has va-voom written all over it. Light orange roses, orange asiatic lilies, hot pink dahlias and carnations are delivered in a dazzling cube vase. Chic? For sure!Color of vase may vary....

Citrus Kissed
Citrus Kissed
Citrus Kissed
$79.95Like freshly squeezed lemonade on a hot sunny day, this bright and cheerful bouquet is a summer sensation. Dark orange, coral and orange roses, light yellow carnations, yellow button spray chrysanthemums and greens fill a slender gathering vase. It's a kiss of summer!...

Teleflora's Lily Sunshine
Teleflora's Lily Sunshine
Teleflora's Lily Sunshine
$79.95When it comes to spring flowers, the lily reigns supreme. It's easy to see why in this gorgeous bouquet of bright yellow blooms. A fabulous bouquet of yellow asiatic lilies, salal and seeded eucalyptus are delivered in a divine bunch vase....

Sweet Tranquility Basket
Sweet Tranquility Basket
Sweet Tranquility Basket
$89.95A basket full of bright blossoms will deliver the warmth of sunshine even when the skies seem gray. This beautiful gift will be appreciated for its life-affirming brilliance and your thoughtfulness at this time. Brilliant blooms such as orange and yellow roses and spray roses mix with pink matsumoto...

Fancy Flowers by Teleflora
Fancy Flowers by Teleflora
Fancy Flowers by Teleflora
$79.95All dressed up and ready to go to any party, this breathtaking bouquet has style to spare. Beautiful contrasting colors and blossoms are so perfectly arranged in a Satin Cylinder vase, the effect is both fanciful and fascinating. Pretty pink hydrangea, brilliant green roses, pink asiatic lilies and ...

Teleflora's Amazing Daisy
Teleflora's Amazing Daisy
Teleflora's Amazing Daisy
$74.95Celebrate the brightest of occasions with this cheerful bouquet of happy-faced daisies presented in a graceful, vase. Yellow roses and spray roses, white daisy spray chrysanthemums, solidago and pittosporum fill a lovely Inspiration vase. Amazingly pretty!...

Meet Me in Provence by Teleflora
Meet Me in Provence by Teleflora
Meet Me in Provence by Teleflora
$94.95With a beauty reminiscent of the south of France, this proud and pretty arrangement holds nothing back. The colors, the flowers and the feeling of Provence are all present and accounted for in this wonderful bouquet. Yellow roses, spray roses and asiatic lilies, white spray roses and stock and the e...

Isle of White
Isle of White
Isle of White
$79.95Like a vacation for the senses, this lovely bouquet delivers an oasis of beauty and elegance. Soothing, serene and very special. Cr...

Garden Parade
Garden Parade
Garden Parade
$74.95You'll want to put this colorful bouquet on your hit parade of gifts to send. Bold primary colors and a perfect mix of flowers make it great for men and women of all ages. In other words, it's a perfect arrangement. Yellow roses, alstroemeria, and button spray chrysanthemums, red miniature gerberas ...

Teleflora's Sunny Smiles
Teleflora's Sunny Smiles
Teleflora's Sunny Smiles
$69.95What better gift to send someone than a sunny smile? Think how much that sentiment delivered in the form of this beautiful and cheerful bouquet will mean to whoever's on your mind today. Dazzling green roses, peach spray roses, yellow asiatic lilies, alstroemeria and solidago along with beautiful le...

Teleflora's Once Upon a Daisy
Teleflora's Once Upon a Daisy
Teleflora's Once Upon a Daisy
$74.95This bright and sunny bouquet is as sweet as a fairy tale ending. Perfect for baby showers, birthdays and beyond. Beautiful light blue hydrangea, cheerful yellow gerberas and white daisy spray chrysanthemums are delivered in a light blue Satin Cylinder that comes complete with a pretty light blue ri...

Teleflora's Perfectly Pleasing Pinks
Teleflora's Perfectly Pleasing Pinks
Teleflora's Perfectly Pleasing Pinks
$99.95A perfectly pleasing mix of sweet springtime blossoms make this a truly happy gift. So full of feminine flowers and fun feelings, this is the perfect arrangement to make her smile. Dazzling white spray roses, hot pink gerberas and matsumoto asters, pink carnations, lavender cushion mums, light pink ...

Teleflora's Joyful Jubilee
Teleflora's Joyful Jubilee
Teleflora's Joyful Jubilee
$79.95Sending a jubilation of flowers is a joyful way to brighten any celebration. This particular arrangement is eye-catching, colorful and captivating. Hot pink spray roses and gerberas, dark pink Sweet William, lavender matsumoto and purple monte cassino asters are joined by greens in an exclusive lave...

This Magic Moment
This Magic Moment
This Magic Moment
$99.95It will be a magic moment when this divine bowl of pastel roses is hand-delivered to someone special. Perfect for any occasion, the soft colors and variety of rose blossoms will soothe anyone's soul. Beautiful yellow roses, peach and white spray roses and greens are delivered in a clear glass bubble...

Emerald Garden Basket
Emerald Garden Basket
Emerald Garden Basket
$84.95You don't have to follow the yellow brick road to find this emerald jewel. All kinds of gorgeous greens fill this basket that makes a perfect gift for men or women. Celebration or sympathy. Birthday or any day. So beautiful and bountiful it will deliver any message eloquently. Pothos, nephthytis, di...

Teleflora's Sunsplash
Teleflora's Sunsplash
Teleflora's Sunsplash
$79.95Send this summery bouquet and you'll make a splendid splash! Perfect for birthdays, thank yous, barbecues and beyond. This warm-weather charmer will be welcome everywhere! Hot pink roses, orange spray roses, yellow asiatic lilies, hot pink matsumoto asters and green button spray chrysanthemums are d...

Basket Full of Wishes
Basket Full of Wishes
Basket Full of Wishes
$84.95Wishes do come true, by the basketful, actually. This delightful arrangement is so full of sunny blossoms, it even includes a pretty yellow butterfly who obviously feels right at home, basking in the warmth. Brilliant yellow spray roses, asiatic lilies, miniature gerberas, carnations, alstroemeria, ...

Oh Happy Day by Teleflora
Oh Happy Day by Teleflora
Oh Happy Day by Teleflora
$74.95Oh, what a happy day it will be for whoever is lucky enough to have this vase full of joyful and jubilant blossoms delivered to them. Perfect for Happy Birthday or Happy Any Day, this pretty arrangement is sure to inspire smiles! Dazzling green roses, carnations and button spray chrysanthemums, yell...

Teleflora's Uniquely Chic
Teleflora's Uniquely Chic
Teleflora's Uniquely Chic
$74.95Uniquely beautiful and uniquely bright, this is a bona fide bombshell of a bouquet. Brilliant blossoms are perfectly arranged in an exclusive cube vase. Orange roses, hot pink roses, spray roses and carnations are joined by glowing orange asiatic lilies and bear grass in a delightful vase. This uniq...

Sweet Moments
Sweet Moments
Sweet Moments
$74.95Know someone who needs a lift? Brighten their day by sending this lovely bouquet of fresh flowers that has sweetness woven right in. Gorgeous white roses, purple alstroemeria, lavender waxflower and eucalyptus are perfectly arranged in a white basket. Perfectly sweet!...

Here Comes The Sun by Teleflora
Here Comes The Sun by Teleflora
Here Comes The Sun by Teleflora
$104.95Here comes the sun and it's all bright, especially when it comes to this gorgeous bouquet. Anyone who receives this golden arrangement will definitely feel its warmth. As if green roses next to yellow sunflowers and snapdragons weren't brilliant enough, we've added white stock, green button spray ch...

Burst of Beauty Basket
Burst of Beauty Basket
Burst of Beauty Basket
$94.95A fantastic array of summer's brightest blossoms fill a charming wicker basket that can be used over and over again. It really is bursting with beauty and bounty. Light orange spray roses, hot pink dahlias, carnations and matsumoto asters, green button spray chrysanthemums are delivered in a rectang...

Sunny Sunflowers
Sunny Sunflowers
Sunny Sunflowers
$69.95Whoever receives this stunning bouquet is sure to be bowled over by its bold beauty! It's big on fun and big on flowers. Orange spray roses, yellow sunflowers, curly willow and salal are arranged in a charming ball vase. Order it now to send a ton of sun....

Pure Happiness
Pure Happiness
Pure Happiness
$84.95Pure happiness is what this pretty bouquet delivers ? whether you're sending it for a fall birthday, Thanksgiving, thank you, or simply just because. Surely, no one can be in the presence of something so inherently happy and not smile. Sunny sunflowers, red roses and miniature carnations, bronze dai...

Lavender Wishes
Lavender Wishes
Lavender Wishes
$94.95Lovely lavender roses are enchanting and exotic. They can even signify love at first sight, and when this pretty bouquet is delivered it will surely be love. Gorgeous as the roses are by themselves, when mixed with the dark forest green of eucalyptus the effect is intoxicating. Twelve delightful lav...

Teleflora's Parisian Pinks
Teleflora's Parisian Pinks
Teleflora's Parisian Pinks
$104.95Named after the most romantic city in the world, this pretty rose arrangement delivers romance ever so beautifully. Light pink roses symbolize femininity, elegance and refinement, especially when they are perfectly arranged in a white French country pot. Enchanting light pink roses and spray roses a...

Jumping for Joy
Jumping for Joy
Jumping for Joy
$69.95Someone you know (or want to know!) will jump for joy when she receives this charming bouquet. Soft and feminine colors, flowers and textures are all wrapped up in one pretty package. Pink spray roses, light pink alstroemeria, hot pink miniature carnations, lavender stock and salal are delivered in ...

Wondrous Wishes by Teleflora
Wondrous Wishes by Teleflora
Wondrous Wishes by Teleflora
$94.95Awe and wonder. That's what's included in this magical bouquet. It's a beautiful mix of radiant blossoms in a stunning glass vase. Brilliant blue hydrangea, orange roses, light pink asiatic lilies, hot pink gerberas, pink alstroemeria, purple chrysanthemums and more fill a fabulously feminine vase. ...

Teleflora's Heavenly & Harmony
Teleflora's Heavenly & Harmony
Teleflora's Heavenly & Harmony
$84.95Heavenly hues and pretty petals are in perfect harmony in this gorgeous arrangement. Lovely for a birthday, anniversary or just because, it's simply stunning! Light pink roses, white asiatic lilies, Queen Anne's lace and salal are beautifully arranged in a glass vase. Heaven sent? Well, someone will...

Enchanted Cottage
Enchanted Cottage
Enchanted Cottage
$84.95This magical bouquet will be at home in a cottage, a condo, a studio or an estate. It's so pretty it will be appreciated by all those lucky enough to receive it. Enchant someone today! White roses and spray roses, lavender stock and waxflower, all perfectly arranged in a clear glass vase that's wrap...

Steal the Show by Teleflora
Steal the Show by Teleflora
Steal the Show by Teleflora
$104.95You won't have to worry about any other bouquet upstaging this gift! At over two feet tall, this is a fabulous way to show someone how much they mean to you. Lovely lavender roses, alstroemeria, larkspur, freesia, matsumoto asters and limonium are joined by light pink snapdragons, purple monte cassi...

Heart's Delight by Teleflora
Heart's Delight by Teleflora
Heart's Delight by Teleflora
$74.95If you're looking for a delightful gift that's full of heart, look no further than this beautiful bouquet. A pretty mix of beautiful flowers arranged in a cube vase will express your wishes perfectly. This stunning bouquet includes white alstroemeria, pink carnations and miniature carnations, purple...

Teleflora's Pink Pink Bouquet
Teleflora's Pink Pink Bouquet
Teleflora's Pink Pink Bouquet
$94.95Think pink. Think pretty. Think present. This beautifully feminine bouquet makes a wonderful gift for any woman. Light pink asiatic lilies and alstroemeria share the spotlight with pink roses and waxflower. Lovely lavender stock and seeded eucalyptus have been added to complete this bouquet that's d...

Arrive In Style
Arrive In Style
Arrive In Style
$84.95This beautiful bouquet will most certainly arrive in style! Ready for the runway, as it were. A delightful combination of light colors and lovely flowers, it's simply beautiful. Light pink roses, white asiatic lilies, alstroemeria, cushion spray chrysanthemums and statice are delivered in a stylish ...

Love and Laughter
Love and Laughter
Love and Laughter
$94.95Know someone you love to make laugh? Someone you love to laugh with? Someone who could use a laugh? Someone who fits all of the above? Well, this beautiful arrangement has charms that extend way beyond its blossoms. Lavender roses and daisy spray chrysanthemums, purple carnations, miniature carnatio...

Victorian Romance
Victorian Romance
Victorian Romance
$104.95Romance blossoms beautifully within this elegant bouquet. The serenity and innocence of cream-colored roses is in delightful juxtaposition with lavender waxflower and fresh ivy greens. It's as romantic as a stroll through the English countryside. A dozen cr...

Isn't It Romantic
Isn't It Romantic
Isn't It Romantic
$99.95Tonight will certainly be romantic if you send this classic arrangement today! Beautiful hues and gorgeous blossoms will deliver your love. A stunning arrangement of light pink roses, white roses, lilies, lisianthius and sweet pea, plus pink stock make this one of our most desired selections....

Rosy Glow Bouquet
Rosy Glow Bouquet
Rosy Glow Bouquet
$94.95Yellow roses symbolize friendship, and sending this sunny bouquet of bright yellow flowers is such a beautiful way to celebrate a special bond. Destined to make anyone's day glow, these roses are brilliant! Glowing yellow roses and solidago mixed with greens are delivered in a clear glass gathering ...

Teleflora's Polka Dots and Posies
Teleflora's Polka Dots and Posies
Teleflora's Polka Dots and Posies
$74.95Polka dots and posies, they're the perfect pair. Well, at least in this pretty arrangement they are. Just the right flowers in just the right vase all wrapped up in? you guessed it, just the right ribbon. Pink spray roses and white daisy spray chrysanthemums are delivered in an exclusive pink vase t...

Teleflora's Simply Sweet
Teleflora's Simply Sweet
Teleflora's Simply Sweet
$74.95Sometimes life's simplest pleasures deliver life's most poignant feelings. Take this sweet bouquet. Soft colors, beautiful flowers in a yellow vase that's wrapped in a pretty pink satin bow. Simple? You bet. Special? For sure! ight yellow roses, pink asiatic lilies and alstroemeria, light yellow min...

Sunny Siesta
Sunny Siesta
Sunny Siesta
$74.95Know someone who could use a little pick-me-up? Sending this pretty summer arrangement will definitely do the trick. Light orange roses and alstroemeria, yellow asiatic lilies and orange gerberas are delivered in an organza ribbon-wrapped cylinder vase. Siesta or fiesta ? it's all good....

The Bright Autumn Centerpiece
The Bright Autumn Centerpiece
The Bright Autumn Centerpiece
$74.95The Bright Autumn Centerpiece spins the magic of the Fall season with each sun-kissed petal to set your gathering space aglow with blooming beauty. Two taper candles are surrounded by a gorgeous arrangement consisting of orange Asiatic Lilies, gerbera daisies, and roses with golden Peruvian Lilies, ...

The Golden Autumn Bouquet
The Golden Autumn Bouquet
The Golden Autumn Bouquet
$74.95The Golden Autumn Bouquet exudes the warmth and comfort of the harvest season with each colorful bloom. Peach spray roses, burgundy mini carnations, butterscotch chrysanthemums and lush greens are arranged beautifully in a classic clear glass vase accented with an orange plaid ribbon around the neck...

The Sweeter Than Ever Bouquet
The Sweeter Than Ever Bouquet
The Sweeter Than Ever Bouquet
$64.95Beckoning with sunlit grace and beauty, this warm and uplifting bouquet is ready to offer cheer and flowering elegance to your recipient today. A collection of pink blooms, including Peruvian Lilies, carnations, mini carnations, and roses, are highlighted by yellow and white chrysanthemums, yellow s...

The Spring Sunshine Bouquet
The Spring Sunshine Bouquet
The Spring Sunshine Bouquet
$74.95Ready to wake your recipient up to the arrival of the spring season with a bright array of sun crushed blooms, this vibrant flower bouquet exudes fun and beauty to their day. A bold rush of yellow, this flower arrangement brings together roses, daisies, gerbera daisies, and solidago accented with re...

Harvest Sunflower Basket
Harvest Sunflower Basket
Harvest Sunflower Basket
$94.95Rustic, natural beauty and vibrant shades are used to create our Harvest Sunflower Basket. A mix of bold sunflowers, roses and dianthus complement your most heartfelt messages of comfort during times of sensitivity....

Wondrous Memories Bouquet
Wondrous Memories Bouquet
Wondrous Memories Bouquet
$94.95The freshness of bright spring flowers brings comfort and peace to those celebrating the beautiful life of someone they lost. Within our Wondrous Memories Bouquet, your messages of sympathy are complemented with bursting tulips, roses, hydrangea and double lisianthus in radiant garden hues....
Easter and chocolate go hand in hand. Therefore, one can add an extra box of scrumptious goodies along with a beautiful satin bow, a funny balloon, or a charming stuffed animal. No matter where one's loved ones live, our local florist can deliver the gift within 24 hours. All one needs to do is send their zip code by 1 pm, and the outstanding customer service department will take care of the rest.
Our florist network works with a vast, dedicated, and industrious network of local florists, growers, and vendors across the US and Canada. They all strive to bring the very highest quality flowers for every occasion. They offer rapid, prompt delivery the same day to various locations, including houses, offices, apartment complexes, hospitals, nursing homes, schools, hotels, and resorts. This ensures that the bouquet will arrive within just a few hours of being arranged by hand.
This Easter, one can join local florists satisfied customers and let them work their magic. With their wide selection of beautiful floral arrangements and prompt delivery, one can make this Easter a special one for their loved ones.